Victor Sydorenko
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Victor Sydorenko
Born in Taldykorgan (Kazakhstan) in 1953. Graduated from the Kharkiv Art-Industrial Institute (now the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts) (Prof. B. Kosarev) (1974-1979). Founded of the Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (2001). In 2003, he represented Ukraine at the 50th Venice Biennale with the solo project Millstones of Time. In 2007, he co-curated the Ukrainian pavilion at the 52nd Venice Biennale (with Oleksandr Soloviov), and was commissar at the 54th and 55th Venice Biennale (2011, 2013).
Born in Taldykorgan (Kazakhstan) in 1953. Graduated from the Kharkiv Art-Industrial Institute (now the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts) (Prof. B. Kosarev) (1974-1979). Founded of the Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (2001). In 2003, he represented Ukraine at the 50th Venice Biennale with the solo project Millstones of Time. In 2007, he co-curated the Ukrainian pavilion at the 52nd Venice Biennale (with Oleksandr Soloviov), and was commissar at the 54th and 55th Venice Biennale (2011, 2013).
Selected Exhibitions
Сatalogs and books
Selected One-Person Exhibitions
2003 – AMNESIA, L-Art Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine
2003 – MILLSTONES OF TIME, 50th Venice Biennale
2004 – MILLSTONES OF TIME, National Art Museum of Ukraine / Kyiv
2006 – AUTHENTICATION, Municipal Gallery of Lavra, Kyiv, Ukraine
2008 – AUTHENTICATION, Taiss Gallery, Paris / France
2009 – DEPERSONALIZATION, Plaza Athenee's, Paris, France
2009 – NEW ARK, Gallery Collection, Kyiv, Ukraine
2009 – LEVITATION", National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2010 – MILLSTONES OF TIME, Black Square Gallery, Miami / USA
2010 – LEVITATION, Taiss Gallery, Paris / France
2011 – LEVITATION, National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2012 – REFLECTION IN THE UNKNOWN, Yermylov Center, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2012 – IMMERSION, Kyiv, Ukraine
2012 – LEVITATION, Black Square Gallery, Miami / USA
2013 – PROJECTION, Bottega Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine
2015 – WITNESSES, Shcherbenko Art Center, Kyiv, Ukraine
2015 – MEMORY REWIND, Bereznitskiy Aestetics, Kyiv, Ukraine
2015 – METANOYA, Lviv Palace of Arts, Lviv, Ukraine
2016 – research project MEMORY OF THE UNCONSCIOUS, Woodrow Wilson Center / Memorial Hall / USA
2017 – THE BEACH AND COAST, National Museum «Kiev Art Gallery», Kyiv / Ukraine
2017 – DEPERSONALIZATION, Shcherbenko Art Center, Kyiv, Ukraine
2018 – ATONAL REALITY, Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental Art / Ukraine
2019 – ATTRIBUTION OF TIME, Kyiv, Karas Gallery
2019 – ACQUIRING SUBJECTIVITY, Kherson Art Museum, Kherson / Ukraine
2019 – ACQUIRING SUBJECTIVITY, Voloshyn Gallery, Kyiv / Ukraine
2020 – TIMELESS, M17 Contemporary Art Center, Kyiv, Ukraine
2020 – LEXICON, Kyiv, Maysternia Gallery
2021 – ALL COLORS OF THE SPECTRUM - IT'S WHITE LIGHT, Kyiv, Lavra City Gallery, NM "Kyiv Art Gallery", CAC "M17", Ukraine
2022 – YEAR ZERO. THE IDEA OF LIGHT, M17 Contemporary Art Center, Kyiv, Ukraine
2024 – BLACK EARTH. FORCED DISORIENTATION, The Kyiv National Art Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine
Selected Group Exhibitions
2003 – BLOOD: LINES AND CONNECTIONS, Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver / USA (
2004 – FASTER THAN HISTORY – Museum of Contemporary Art KIASMA. Helsinki / Finland (
2004 – ARTIADE, Olympics of Visual Art, Athens, Greece
2004 – SMITHSONIAN HIRSHHORN MUSEUM, Вашингтон, округ Колумбія / США
2007 – TRAVERSE VIDEO, X International Video Festival, Toulouse / France
2009 – ART PARIS, Paris / France
2010 – ARTHAMPTONS, Mironova Gallery, New York / USA
2010 – SCOPE ART SHOW BASEL, Mironova Gallery, Basel / Switzerland
2010 – SCOPE ART FAIR NEW YORK, Mironova Gallery, New York, USA
2010 – ART CHICAGO, Mironova Gallery, Chicago, USA
2012 – CONTEXT ART MIAMI, Black Square Gallery, Miami / USA
2012 – MIA, Miami International Art Fair, Miami / USA
2012 – ARSENALE – 2012 parallel program, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine
2013 – PREMONITION: UKRAINIAN ART NOW, Saatchi Gallery, London / UK
2013 – PULSE Art Fair, Black Square Gallery, New York, USA
2014 – PREMONITION: UKRAINIAN ART NOW, Saatchi Gallery, London / UK
2014 – DECOMPRESSION, "Ukraine - Free Stage" Festival, Saint-Merri Church, Paris, France
2015 – CONVERSATIONS IN 100 YEARS, Modern Art Research Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
2015 – PAPER. WORLD. ART, Book Arsenal V International Festival, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine
2015 – DECOMPRESSION, Modern Art Research Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
2015 – ART FOR THE SAKE OF LIFE, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine
2015 – THEORY OF PROBABILITY, Modern Art Research Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
2015 – PRACTICE OF MODIFICATION, VIII All-Ukrainian exhibition "New directions", Modern Art Research Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
2016 – SUPERHERO, National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2017 – UKRAINIAN INSIGHTS, United Nations, New York, USA
2017 – TRAVERSE VIDEO, X International Video Festival, Toulouse / France
2017 – FIXATION OF THE IMAGINARY, National Taras Shevchenko Museum, Kyiv, Ukraine
2019 – KYIV ART WEEK, Kyiv, Toronto Kyiv
2020 – UKRAINE: NEW ERA ART / the Virtual Museum, Doha, Qatar
2021 – OPEN OPPORTUNITY, exhibition of Ukrainian contemporary art from private collections, CSM M17, Kyiv, Ukraine
2021 – ELLIPSYS, Ukraine Pavilion at Expo 2020, Dubai, UAE
2021 – CONTEMPORARY ISTANBUL’16, Istanbul, Turkey
2023 – ART WITHOUT BORDERS, Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK
2024 – UKRAINE: THE LIGHT WILL WIN, Le Salon d’Automne, Paris, France
Сatalogs and books
Віктор Сидоренко : Живопис = Victor Sydorenko : Painting = Виктор Сидоренко : Живопись.Київ: НОВИЙ ДРУК, 2014.
«Freedom moves to the category of abstract ideas, never fated to become reality. In his social imprisonment, the Subject resembles the prisoner of Plato’s cave, who longs for unattainable dimension of unlimited possibilities. The search for such dimension is the goal of Victor Sydorenko’s creative work. All his projects portray a character, which embodies an active force opposing inertial environment in a symbolic duel» (V. Burlaka).
Victor Sydorenko
Visual art: from avant-garde changes up to the newest trends: Development of the visual art in Ukraine during the 20th and 21st centuries
In the publication, for the first time in Ukrainian art history, the progress of visual art during the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries is thoroughly considered. The book provides, applying the newest research paradigms, a comprehensive study of the avant-garde phenomenon of the early twentieth century, of artistic and cultural aspects of the evolution of nonconformism and visual art. The monograph is supplemented by a chronology of artistic events. The book will be of interest to specialists in the field of contemporary art, art critics, culturologists, university students, and general readers.
Viktor Sydorenko’s Hero, Object, Phantom: A Lexicon — Kyiv: ArtHuss, 2019. — 240 p.
The work attempts to track the path of the Hero/Object/Phantom created by Viktor Sydorenko: both in his sculptures and in the reflection of colleagues, whose interpretation gave a new life to this image and generated new meanings and senses, which the author could not have predicted.
Victor Sidorenko: Painter: Painting, drawing / catalog Mystetstvo. — Tula: IPO “Lev Tolstoy” 1992.
“His path is evolutionary, relaxed, thoughtful, his attraction is in thoroughness, trust, his intonations are not excessive— largely due to the unexpected, but also surprisingly organic mix of traditions and novelty. Of course, this path is also marked with the innovative impulses set by contemporary time” (O. Solovyov).
SUPERHERO: catalog. — 2016
SUPERHERO, a catalog of the eponymous multicultural art project includes participating Ukrainian and American contemporary artists: Mel Ramos, Victor Sydorenko, and Valentin Popov. The works of famous artists in a joint exhibition were united by the theme studying the cult characters. Artists reflect on the archetype of the modern hero, revealing the origins and interconnections of the iconic characters in history. The exhibition was organized by the Modernism Gallery (San Francisco, USA), the Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, and the Artcult Foundation.
Victor Sydorenko: catalogue of art-works, compiler L. Bereznytska. IPSM NAMU, 2003.
“Aesthetic sense does not accept contradictions and does not want to wait for them to be resolved in real time and space. The artistic consciousness is the one that reflects on it first. When it starts its intellectual and sensuous game with the object, it suggests many original variations of its innovative reading and simultaneously implements them in artistic image. The imprint that such image leaves in the feeling of the viewers, often turned to be a source of new public ideas” (L. Bereznytska).
Victor Sydorenko: painting. — «PC World Ukraine», 2009.
“The art of my country’s totalitarian past resorted to classical forms in order to create an illusion that it is a part of eternity. Meanwhile, I resort to the language of classical art not because I am trying to be different from the others and to assert myself in that way but because I am striving to incorporate the global culture and to reflect it in my paintings” (V. Sydorenko).
Victor Sydorenko. MILLESTONE OF TIME. 2003
“People in white underwear look more impersonal. Underpants, worn by everyone—soldiers, prisoners, civilians— in totalitarian twentieth century were a sign of equality, common destiny. However, I also tried to express a more general situation—a duel with time—in which people are dragged in in all times and places: be it totalitarianism or democracy, present day or five thousand years ago. In anticipation, expectation and uncertainty, each character gets involved in a monotonous, passive race. None of the depicted can escape from participating in some already known, but still incomprehensible ritual…” (V. Sydorenko).
Victor Sydorenko. AUTHENTICATION. 2006.
“The clone people, produced by production line of mass media, have a comforting illusion of immortality as compensation. Religions offer their versions—transition from one life form to another, immortality of the soul… However, there is a downside in immortality as well. Infinite existence frightens with monotony, only death diversifies human forms, manifestations, destinies… It is difficult to imagine that humanity could become both conserved and immortal” (V. Sydorenko).
Alexey Bosenko. Free Atonality. 2020.
The book "Free Atonality" is written outside the genre. It cannot even be attributed to the so-called "open works". It provoked by the work of famous artist Victor Sydorenko, but not a direct comment on his painting. His work is a detonator. The artist says: "Look!" Text: "Listen ...". Different paths to the same thing. The book has a peculiar principle of uncertainty, the life of atonality as the music of dialectics, not knowledge of it. There is only logic and poetics of freedom. Vision of visibility. This book is for those who do not ask the question "Why all this?"